
I have been worried about many things lately:
1. I was afraid of the future
2. I am thinking about money so much
3. I am having trust issues with someone
4. I am having a problem with my patience lately

How did I deal with them? 

1. The future - Are you afraid of the future? Well stop and imagine that your future is a mirror. Enjoy the moment that you have because that is the only thing you have for sure. If you are afraid of the future look into a mirror and enjoy what you have.

2. The money cycle - Lately I was worried about how much money will I pay the customs for the tea I  imported online. I read many negative feed backs where they were required to pay more than their purchase. Then I saw this money cycle. The money keep on spinning, you can not hold on to it, If you do you will be dragged into its eternal spin and it will just drive you crazy. Why not let go of the bill and watch it turn. You will shell out some money and it will return back to you and will go again. That is how money goes it is an ever ending cycle that no person can hold, Just let it go because it will eventually return to you. The money that I spent will go to the farmers and pickers of tea, the packaging company, the transportation company, the employees and the government, and I will receive my tea and be happy. Then that money will have its own cycle in their lives. By releasing that money I was able to help many people feed their families. Big companies will pay their employees, these employees will bring this money to their family and their family will have food on their tables. Even if some people will say that their are some who will pocket the money, at least they will spend it and that money will benefit many more people. I realized that being very stingy is depriving others of what they might need. I am not saying that you should spend all your money away, you can still save and secure your present and future (mirror) by not buying unnecessary things. However if spending cannot be avoided do not think about the money you will spend, let it go in its eternal cycle and benefit those who are waiting for its return.

3. Trusting issue, I reconciled with a person that I did not speak with for six years after I felt betrayed. When we reconnected I already forgave our past and wish to develop a great friendship with him but I still have this thing in the back of my mind that this person cannot be trusted. Well, think differently think of walking in a path together, he may be by your side or behind you. Count on it that when you will look back you will still see that person. If he strays to another road then God will just ring him back to your road. Let God be your Shepherd.

4. Patience - I am sad and frustrated when my family cannot get me -Well, maybe it's time to look at your own self. You are probably selfish and loves to impose your beliefs to others. Well you cannot do that every time. Understand them and be the one to adjust.

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